
Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, LAITS development lab

Principal Investigator: John Kappelman, PhD

Current Contributors: Claud Bramblett, Christopher Davis, Sissi Janet Mattox, and Adrienne Witzel

eSkeletons Alumni:

  • Project Managers: Lauri Martin, PhD (2004-2009), Robert Scott (2003-2004), Angela Palmer (2001-2002), Murat Maga (2000-2001), and Myriam Zylstra, PhD (1999-2000).
  • Project Personnel: Laura Alport (Graphics), Nick Caffarelli, Parham Daghighi, Nichole Drane, Mulugeta Feseha, Eva Garrett, Adam Gordon, Ashley Gosselin-Ildari, Nicole M. Hauck, Matthew Kilberger, Summer Klein, Shane Kukkiaton, Chris Lamb (Programmer and CSS), Ariel Lesartre, Rachel Menegaz, Nick Morgan, Catherine Oheim, Marsie De Oliveira, Stuart Ross (Programming and CSS), Gabrielle Russo, Timothy M. Ryan (HTML and Javascript Programming), Vijay Pratap Singh (HTML and Javascript Programming), Taylor Polvadore, Alison Pruitt, Mary Simmons, Christyna Solhan, Paul Viola, Brigitte Wetz, Kyle Whigham, Kerri Wilhelm, and Jennifer Wolowidnyk.

Special Thanks: The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History for the loan of the primate skeletal materials; and The National Science Foundation for grants NSF DUE-0226040 and NSF IIS-9816644.


Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, LAITS Development Lab

Project Producer: Joe TenBarge, Assistant Dean

Project Manager:  Adrienne Witzel, 2014 | Peter Keane, 2007

Programming & CSS:  Ruben Garza, Francis McGrath | Ryan Miller (2014) and Stuart Ross (2007)

Graphic Designer: Tuan Tang, 2014

Illustrators: Marissa Kopatic, Karen Cheng, Kathy Chung, Camri Hinki, Dave Johanes, Julio Garcia, and Mai-Thi Lee, 2007.

Special Thanks:  Suloni Robertson, 2014 design group manager for Student Technology Assistants (STA's) | Gary Dickerson, 2007 manager for STA's